Asian Female Business Leaders Share Their Best Advice for Entrepreneurs — Part 3

Show up messy, learn from falling, ask for help, and have a big vision

Katharine Chan


From left to right: Stephanie J. Wong, Becky Choi, Annie Vovan, Sheena Yap Chan

***Click here for part 1***

***Click here for part 2***

After many long and arduous months of thinking, overthinking, analyzing and overanalyzing…I left my 15+ year career in healthcare to pursue a freelance writing business.

This was definitely NOT something I did on a whim or impulsively and I plan to share exactly how I made this decision.

I grew up with parents who preached about getting a stable job that pays the bills and gives you benefits…and I did that for 15 freaking years!

But now, I’m starting a new chapter in my life. Freelance writing has been my side hustle for years. And I’m so excited, scared, amped and nervous at the same time. To quell those mixed and uneasy feelings, I decided to reach out to those who have gone through it already, seek their advice and capture their lessons learned.

As a proud Asian female, I’m eternally inspired by other Asian women who are leading their lives with unapologetic power and grace. I asked each of these amazing women the following question:



Katharine Chan

Sum (心, ♡) on Sleeve | Author. Speaker. Wife. Mom of 2 | Embrace Culture. Love Yourself. Improve Relationships |